This is Ross. The one who made on post on this blog and then just disappeared the last four and a bit years. So what to say other than the truth. After all this blog is about looking at The Truth and revealing deception.
You see, this blog was originally intended to be a emergency blog in case I lost access to my other blogs. I of course intended to post here from time to time after all there are many truths about God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But in the end I kind of forgot this blog even existed and for that I apologize.
In all honesty I'm probably typing this to and for myself, in that case, memo to self, this is your primary blog now.
As this blog grows, and boy will it, it will focus on revealing the Liberating truth of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as revealed in The Bible. It will also reveal spiritual deception, cults and their cultic teaching, and take closer looks at mainline "Christianity" and compare it to "Biblical Christianity".